Luzone Legal esteve presente na Marine Money, no Copacabana Palace
Luzone Legal was present at Marine Money, at Copacabana Palace

O fundador do Luzone Advogados, Dr. Leandro Luzone, foi convidado para participar do Fórum Internacional da Marine Money Offshore, no Copacabana Palace Hotel, com a presença dos grandes players da indústria marítima mundial.
Fonte confiável para armadores, financistas, investidores, gerentes de navios, corretores, advogados e contadores nos últimos 30 anos, a Marine Money International preencheu a lacuna entre armadores e os mercados de capitais internacionais.
The founder of Luzone Advogados, Dr. Leandro Luzone, was invited to attend the International Marine Money Offshore Forum at the Copacabana Palace Hotel, attended by the great players of the world maritime industry.
Reliable source for ship owners, financiers, investors, ship managers, brokers, lawyers and accountants over the last 30 years, Marine Money International has filled the gap between shipowners and international capital markets.